The soul is an eternal, timeless and infinite pattern of energy. Energy can not be destroyed, only altered, transposed and transformed.

When the soul separates from source and descends into matter, a journey begins to unwind. It is through this journey that the soul collates its personal layers of experience, ones that allow this formless but very real energy to expand, grow, evolve and become. Each lifetime serves as a series of lessons, a coordination of invisible levels and winding paths that not only guide us through a process of soul maturation but lead us back to our soul, our home. 

For this soul energy to take form within the 3d realm the centre of gravity must shift from the soul to the ego and a personality must be made manifest. Think of your natal Sun - the vortex of your personal identity shining its light through its many rays of expression. Consider your Moon - a deeply intimate well of emotions and the lens through which you observe the world unfold around you. Your Venus and how its placement is attracting the types of connections you seek, your Mercury which forms your mental processing, Mars your instinctual response. Together the inner planets create a record of human function, behaviour and ego-identity. What you are in this lifetime is inscribed through these stars and their symbolism, together they form your personality, the present dynamics, the energetic output for this one lifetime.

It is here that your personal filter comes into play. How you operate, and function, and perceive, and refine - not only your personal experience of the world, but also what comes your way. If we attract what we are, are we not simply creating our own reality through the way in which we naturally function? It is through the law of cause and effect that we attract these experiences; the stories, the timelines, the individualised directions that we each take upon reaching that fork in the road. We are blessed with free will within each lifetime, however it can’t be discounted that this inherent personality and ego as recorded within our inner planetary placements (as created by the soul) holds distinct sway over the actions and reactions that lead us upon these roads.

The inner planets offer a very current breakdown of our inner and outer functioning, it is the present manifestation of how we operate within this lifetime; what we like, how we think, what we say and how we deliver it. They provide a cosmic tracking system for this present record of experience. These planets have been worked with astrologically for millennia. Their close proximity to Earth allowed early astrologers to not only track their individual orbits but also attach symbolic meaning to their celestial presence. What lay beyond their orbits was somewhat veiled within the silky velvet of the night sky. 


The discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto was the impetus to infuse society with something truly metamorphic within the fields of consciousness. Planetary symbolism will forever run deep, these higher octave celestial bodies are revealed when the time is right for humanity and not a second before. The vast distance between ourselves and these transpersonal planets serve to remind us of how out-of-reach this knowledge has been from our collective grasp. 

Through the lens of evolutionary astrology, and as illuminated by Jeffrey Wolf Green :

SATURN defines the boundaries of your subjective consciousness.

URANUS symbolises your individualised consciousness and the areas of life through which you are individuating.

NEPTUNE symbolises the collective unconscious.

PLUTO is the soul.



It holds the TETHERS of the SOUL & tracks your ETERNAL PATH. It is a RECORD OF HISTORY recalling the writings of your soul energy spanning millennia. Contained within your natal Pluto are the EVENTS THAT HAVE SHAPED YOU on a soul level, those KEY MOMENTS of intensity that have CONTOURED your experience throughout TIME & SPACE. As your soul journey began its unfoldment within the spiral of time; certain EVENTS and EXPERIENCES, ROADS and AVENUES intertwined within your vast tapestry of PERSONAL VIBRATION.

Consider each lifetime as one singular but multidimensional thread, as these individual threads weave themselves together they begin to take form. Layer by layer an entirely new pattern is emerging and as they build upon one another the texture and tone begins to change, and elaborate and ripen and evolve. This energetic pattern is a creation pieced together by you, formed from the experiences that you have gathered upon your journey. Each thread has led you to this moment in time and through your natal Pluto placement you are handed a key which will unlock the most deeply, transformative force towards your evolution.

Evolution is the process of change. Of one form shifting into another form. And often for this process to unfold, it is preceded by involution, or the death of an existing structure or pattern. Evolution is alchemy and personal alchemy is something that we each have the capacity to invoke. The legend of the philosophers stone (turning base metal into gold) was in fact an allegory relating to hermetic philosophy. True alchemy is dealing within the mastery of mental forces - The transmutation of one kind of mental vibration into another.

To bring death to existing structures, or patterns of behaviour, epigenetic and ancestral coding, karmic cycles and learned responses is to transform and evolve into the next stage of the soul’s evolutionary journey. To call forth change however, a piece of you has to die. In my experience, Pluto acts like a magnet drawing in the most transformative energies within that sphere of life. The impact of Pluto is powerful, mighty, transformative, ever-evolving. But it is also dark, mysterious and destructive. Destructive for the ego but supportive for the soul journey. Think of pulling the transformative power of Pluto down to earth and placing it within an area of life?  It is through those physical, earthly realms that you are to transform within before moving forward. Often events hit us cataclysmically, shaking us out of a pattern, creating a tremble to our very core. The reverberations, adding yet another layer to the totality of your eternal experience; shaping your future decisions and so, your future outcome and path.

Pluto’s sign shows your generational vibration, something you will share with those born within the time period of your birth. With Pluto being such a slow moving planet, its passage through each sign lasts anywhere between 12 to 30 years. You will share this placement with those born within your personal timeframe; each generation is an era of souls incarnating with a similar soul orientation. For example, the Pluto in Scorpio generation is one composed of all those born between 1983 and 1995. Here is a collective of souls who have incarnated during the same time period, sharing a range of experiences that are not only aligned towards their personal evolutionary needs but also the needs of the collective whole. Each generation holds their unique medicine, a potent formula that has brewed itself through time. Scorpio as an archetype describes the process of transmutation and transformation and for this metamorphosis to take place on a collective level those within the Pluto in Scorpio generation must first face their own personal alchemy. Scorpio energy is a process of death and rebirth, a confrontation within one’s own personal limitations. This generation is energetically coded to probe below the surface, to extract and destroy what needs to be transformed. Often this is facilitated through the confrontation of traumatic experiences, related signatures being trauma, loss, betrayal, abandonment to name but a few. Once such experiences (whether prior life or present life) are brought into awareness, worked with, alchemised and deeply cleansed (a Scorpionic signature) the energy that was once dense can be locked in and used to serve the collective and future generations through means of example and guidance. Together we are tapping into the same channels and similar streams of prior life experience, we are many small waves ebbing within a part of a vast and incomprehensible ocean. And when this one journey of time reaches its completion, the energy will be absorbed back into the collective whole.

The house placement of Pluto offers a vastly more personalised interpretation of your eternal journey, it adds colour to the records, bringing form to the energy. While the 12 signs of the Zodiac can be likened to 12 strands of DNA, each representing a seed of experience through their individual archetypal behaviours, each formulating in a multitude of ways - The houses offer something more solid and earthy, each symbolising a field of experience within the journey that we call life. I liken the houses to Earth school, there is a more fated aspect to their placement as the centre of gravity shifts to the confines of life and the individualised journey of the soul. 

In his book, Esoteric Astrology, Alan Leo wrote,


Each house, a field of experience, finds its place based upon the moment the soul entered the body (the ascendant) and the ego was formed, there is something beautifully fated about that. The placement of the planets in the houses show you where your energy within this lifetime is focused, there is a karmic element intertwining the areas of life you have chosen to explore in more depth versus the empty houses, a place of unbridled free will.

Pluto by house opens a Pandora's box displaying the combined energy of past experience; a pulsation of intensity, a gathering of learnings and patterns and images - it is a record of time, time that belongs to you and your soul’s unique experience. Pluto’s placement has a pull of intense identification, it is a dynamic that we naturally gravitate towards because it operates like an unconscious force. Your natal Pluto placement is a function of the past, it is an energy rooted deeply within and so it is often the case that we unknowingly revert back to this inherent sense of emotional security, an imprint of patterning that has sustained us for so long. It is here we find ourselves operating from a place of instinct, the path of least resistance, a place of comfort through which the ego often barricades itself to avoid the change involved to activate necessary evolution. Think of this point in your chart as not only the location of your evolutionary past but an energetic hurdle through which you have the opportunity to move beyond, a leap in the right direction towards the evolutionary intentions of your soul.


The sign is an ENERGETIC FREQUENCY to be INTEGRATED. As it lies in polarity to where you have come from, it holds the OPPOSITE CODES to what you are familiar with and so is the NATURAL BALANCING POINT. This vibrational resonance EQUALISES the soul’s experience, it is the natural point of EXPANSION, it moves you out of the confines of the past and into the spirit of the FUTURE. In the zodiac, each sign has a polar opposite, they VIBRATE IN CONTRAST, it is this contrast that in fact creates HARMONY for it contains the medicine you may be seeking.

The polarity is where you should fill your cup, drink it, let it quench your soul’s thirst. Allow this energy to move you out and beyond, it is the road to expansion, to growth, to balance.

In the case of Pluto in Scorpio generation, those souls are here to integrate the energies of Taurus, which by nature holds the opposite resonance to Scorpio. Taurus is a yin energy, the first of the Earth signs, it is stabilising and grounding and rooted within the present moment. It presents the opposite energy of what these soul’s are familiar with. It is a place of fresh energetic experience which leads to growth which leads to expansion which leads to evolved expression. 


The polarity house holds the resonance of the lessons you have incarnated to integrate, here lies the evolutionary desire and intent of your incarnation on an individual level. This place creates a charge, a place of tension. The soul wants growth, the ego does not, and so often this area can feel distant or out of reach. It is the regeneration of self on a soul level and it is also the unknown, as from an evolutionary perspective, it lies undiscovered. It is through the polarity that we transmute patterns of the past into new levels of awareness. Here lies a point of development, a place of metamorphosis, a process in which old patterns die and fresh flowers bloom in their cracks.


We do this through awareness. When we bring a stream of awareness to our behavioural patterning we recognise the chain of events, winding roads and circling experiences that have led us to the place we now find ourselves. You are not chained to a certain outcome or a set list of experiences; your karmic experience is merely a reflection of you, created by your behavioural patterns. It is a web of creation that you have knitted. You have free will to choose your yarn and its arrangement. 

THE PAST HAS minimum hold upon the present, BUT THE PRESENT HAS A maximum hold on the Future.




When Pluto is placed in an angular or cardinal house or sign it symbolises the birth of a new evolutionary cycle, Aries marks the beginning of the cosmic year in the same way that this placement symbolises a new cycle on a soul level, a new birth of experience. Pluto in the 1st house is the mark of new beginnings, the shoot pushing through the soil. The energy is pulsating outwards in a very instinctual manner. The evolutionary purpose of this placement is one of self exploration, this desire to freely and independently explore their personal will, identity and purpose is something that will be felt on a deep soul level. Often this placement comes with the sense of having a special destiny to fulfil and this is connected to the awareness of self, “I am”. The attention is focused solely on self orientation, this is seeded on a soul level allowing the experience to centre around this self exploration.

The archetype of Aries / 1st house is the search for self, the fulfilment of individual potential. This very active and inherent desire to willfully, assertively and freely explore will thread together a storyboard of actions and experiences created from the yang energy that it permeates. It is worth recalling that what leads us down our individual paths originate in the way our thoughts, actions and choices are naturally wired. There is a strong level of martial will within this placement and to be able to fulfil one’s individual potential, to quench that roving desire to actualise and to know the self; freedom is required. Many cycles within this archetype can create something of a solitary, lone wolf nature. This signature requires freedom to explore and pioneer itself into the unknown and so the instinct to operate alone is incredibly present within this experience. There is an intense individualistic quality to those with this placement, at times an aversion to letting others truly into their world. Due to the nature of this energy, those with this placement can feel like relationships hold them back and hem them in. As the first fire sign and house, this energy requires the space to essentially rage forward in unbridled free will. 

Common characteristics of Pluto in the 1st house; strong willed, courageous, difficult to get to know, intense, magnetic, individualist and often solitary, intense gaze, physically strong.

This placement is incredibly magnetic, with Pluto being in opposition to the 7th house of relationships; karmic meetings and connections are drawn in as a mirror to what is being projected outwards. This exchange offers a glimpse into the polarity and creates an opening through which this soul vibration can begin to measure the self against the other.

The polarity point is the 7th house or Libra, where we are asked to embrace ‘the other’ through the relationships that we form. Within the Libran/7th house archetype the purpose is to connect outside of itself through initiating a diversity of relationships with a wide range of people. The gravity of exploration shifts from ‘I am’, to ‘I relate’. No longer are we exploring the self and the individual needs and desires, the focus is to shift this exploration from a subjective viewpoint to an objective one. The level of freedom and independence that was once required comes into question when we begin to form attachments to others - Compromise and adjustment is called for within all relationships, without consideration of the other, any relationship would wither. Libra is teaching us how to give, how to connect, how to make the consideration of the needs of others an important factor within our reality. And through the Aries / 1st house soul signature opening itself up to this frequency. This polarity creates not only a natural point of balance, but a very real and very true opening for growth through which the soul can begin to integrate that which is the opposite rhythm to what they have become accustomed to; which is to incorporate the notion of compromise, equality and depth of understanding of the needs of others. 



It is within this archetype that the soul is learning physical survival. As the first earth sign, Taurus is connected to the body, how it feels to be on the physical plane and how we go about cultivating a sense of comfort within our surroundings. Within the realm of physical comfort is the urge to withdraw, retreat and ground. It is the natural reaction to the exuberance of Aries & the 1st house vibration, preferring instead to draw the energy inward and settle within the confines of one’s inner experience, values, needs and desires.

It is within the archetype of Taurus that we discover the instinct to survive, we are opened up to this journey of discovery that is pleasure based, rooted within the concept of what is needed to achieve this self sustenance. This is why this sign is closely linked to life’s simple pleasures such as food, creating a safe space, restorative sleep, physical comfort and sexual pleasure. With Taurus’ connection to the emotional body, there is an increased need to cultivate that which we find value in, that which enhances the experience of life itself. This archetype is entrenched in the physical nature of existence and surrounding itself in an environment that supports this contentment. Due to the fixed nature of this sign and house there can be the tendency for the soul to stagnate into a state of inertia. To remain within these self-imposed boundaries is to limit their field of vision and prevent their experience of what lies beyond this perpetual state of comfort. 

Common characteristics of Pluto in the 2nd house include : Stability and inner strength, patience and perseverance, an ingrained survival instinct, stubbornness, slow to change, defensiveness, attachment to what they find value within.

Ruled by Venus, this archetype is linked to value; how we find it, where we find it, and how we attach meaning to this through our emotions. As this is an inward expression of Venus, it is through this vibration that we are exposed to the concept of self worth and the value we find deep within the self. This Pluto archetype will be drawing-in experiences relating to this very thing via how the soul relates to the self, many lessons will arrive to teach the true meaning of Taurus which is that security is found inside of you, that it is in fact an inner resource, not an outer one. Over prior lifetimes those with this signature have been experiencing the desire to develop internal security, self-reliance and self-sufficiency through both the physical and emotional plane. Past life signatures for this placement include subtle memories of when their ability to survive was threatened in some way. The reverberations of our prior life experiences permeate into our current reality, for this placement there may be distant memories of loss of land, experience of famine or events that led to living in a state of survival mode. In the present reality, this will lead a soul to become somewhat fixated on their personal resources and the ability to self sustain via whatever means they find value within. There may be a distorted attachment to money or objects, even people of whom they cling to. 

The polarity point is Scorpio / the 8th house which creates a direct confrontation with this tendency to stagnate within a created process of limitation. Scorpio holds the opposite energy to Taurus, it is an intense and fearless confrontation with life itself. Nolonger is the energy sustaining, it is transformation on a soul level. It is within this house that we expose ourselves to energy that shakes our world, in fact planets found within the 8th house show where your true strength of character lies because it is here that we strip off the layers that we are not to penetrate to the depths of what we are. Often this shift in gravity will facilitate experiences in which something is taken away in order to enhance the evolutionary intent. When something we cling to for comfort is eradicated, we are forced to recognise that we can in fact survive without it. Such experiences are teaching the soul that there is more outside of what lies within the confines of comfort, and that true expansion can not be found within these boundaries or walls built up to protect and self-preserve. This archetype asks us to merge with another, to make a unification of the self and whatever attachments we carry with us such as our personal resources. Through this opening the 2nd house Pluto are able to eradicate habitual patterning and learn to truly embrace the experience that lies outside of the confines of comfort. 



It is within this archetype that the focus of evolutionary development has been centred around the mind and intellect. The energy is Yang and is re-expanding itself outward as a means to facilitate the experiences required. Those with Pluto in the 3rd house have curated an experience which allowed for the expansion of their mental environment. It is a moving away from the earthy boundaries of Taurus and an embracing of experiences that lie outside of such confines. This archetype embodies what it is to be curious and to fulfill this urge, a projection into the physical environment is necessary so that this development can take place. 

Those with this placement have had the desire to experience a wide range of situations in order to collate their personal viewpoints. This desire to understand the world is connected to the seeking energy that is seeded within this patterning. It is through Gemini / the 3rd house that we are driven to develop the cerebral, organising and logical systems of consciousness. The core desire for this archetype is to know as much as possible so that they can define their reality based upon their findings. In order to gather and communicate this knowledge, one must progress and expand outwardly. This archetype is related to the left brain function, the deductive, linear and logical thinking processes. How those with this placement operate is a reflection to this linear thought pattern, one of gathering information about their world, deducing it into facts and measuring their reality based on their concrete findings. This placement creates extremely intellectual individuals, those who are driven by their hunger for knowledge and find it difficult to be satiated. Linked within this experience is the seeking of compulsive experiences, a restless and scattered energy can take form. There is an element of scepticism present within this archetype, one of believing only what they can see or prove. In traditional astrological thought, Gemini symbolises the ‘lower mind’ - the earthly mind that is required to operate within the 3d realm. There is a linear element to how it processes allowing the soul to navigate their existence on Earth. It includes the development of categorising the objects that form one’s surroundings, giving a name to what can be seen so that existence can be defined within space.

Common characteristics of Pluto in Gemini / the 3rd house include : Highly intellectual, curious, an inherent ability to uncover the facts, logical yet defensive when other’s threaten their personal mindset, natural power emanating from the hands.

Within this placement, emotional security is rooted within this ability to logically order and so ‘know’ their environment and surroundings, it creates an intellectually organised reality one that has the potential to dissolve as more information is sourced. If you create an emotional attachment to what you know, what happens when more information of an opposing nature begins to filter through? More information is sought, creating something of an identity crisis. This placement has ties with prior life experiences of being persecuted for what they once communicated, whether this be the expression of their personal beliefs or perhaps being forced to speak out against others. The need to rationalise their viewpoints can lead the soul into constantly seeking more information to support their train of thought.

The medicine for this is balance, specifically through activating the right brain, non linear and abstract mind. Through embracing the energies of the polarity 9th house / Sagittarius the soul is able to cultivate their sense of personal truth. This will allow them to draw conclusions that are no longer simply fact based, but that which aligns with their gut feelings and intuition. To truly know something is to feel it deep inside, to connect and align with it energetically. This will create cohesion between the self and the world around them through the ability to view their personal truth from the higher mind. For those who have Pluto in the 3rd house or Gemini, they are being led to embrace the macrocosm and the microcosm, to allow their personal truths make connections to higher truths, this will allow them to weave together the bigger picture further opening and strengthening their intellectual vision.



Due to the cardinality of the 4th house, Pluto placed within this house symbolises that an evolutionary cycle is closing and that a new one is under way. Within this cycle the soul is working through a series of lessons relating to their emotionality and unconscious security patterns. Due to this being the start of a new cycle, these lessons are still unfolding and decompressing. Cancer / the 4th house is a yin sign, it encompasses the divine feminine and so the energy is drawing inward, just as the crab retreats back into its shell to source its own sense of safety, so too does the experience reflected within this soul patterning.

This energetic experience is incredibly in-pouring. Pluto in relation to the Moon in any astrological aspect leads to an intensification of moods, to consider the Moon and her changing phases, so too does this placement reflect an experience that traverses the scope of emotions. Tidal at times, a continuous swim through the full spectrum of which is likely intensified given the influence of Pluto placed within this house. Due to the 4th house being symbolic of our experiences of the womb, our early childhood, ancestry and upbringing; such lessons may manifest through events that take place in childhood. Pluto in the 4th house can often indicate a difficult or traumatic childhood, one of being born into a family dynamic in which the child felt entirely misunderstood by their parental figures, that their emotional needs were not met, resulting in the soul turning into itself to source the comfort that it craves. More extreme manifestations may involve some form of emotional earthquake whether this be through the loss of a parent or the experience of trauma or abuse. It is a destruction of perceived comfort that reverberates into the soul, and frequently these are echoed from lifetime to lifetime stored within the unconscious memory. Often this placement plays out within the ongoing and subjective relationship of the parent(s) & child, through the child’s eyes this nature and nurture may be playing out very differently than through the lens of the parent. There is often a strong karmic charge within this situation, where those involved are working through a shared emotional charge or dynamic together. 

Common characteristics of this placement include : Emotionally intense, cyclical depression, empathetic, sympathetic, nurturing, intensely loyal, defensive, demanding.

Due to Cancer / Capricorn and the 4th / 10th house being the archetypes of gender role assignments, this position of Pluto can sometimes signify that the soul has recently switched gender upon entering the present incarnation. Some discomfort may arise within this new identity due to the soul carrying recent and active imprints from a prior life in which they identified as the opposite gender. This switch can harbour an emotional conflict within their current identity due to not relating to their biology within the present moment. Much of this Pluto signature is centred within identity, the source of inner security of re-imagining what, where and to whom we attach our security. This placement is teaching the soul to re-evaluate where their emotional security is placed. It is for them to discover that what brings true contentment can not be found through the parental figures, or within a relationship or a myriad of friendships. That the answers they’re seeking, the emotional sustenance, the care and nurture that they crave is a source to tap into from the root of their being. This journey is very much about seeking sanctuary from a place deep within and that security rests in the root of the self, not externally.

Through the polarity point in the 10th house or Capricorn balance is brought to the experience through opening the soul up to an opposing energy field. Capricorn teaches the process of emotional maturation so that the soul can grow into its own genuine power.This process is teaching the soul about where they place their power, that to seek outside of the self is simply creating yet another external attachment. A large part of our identity is formed within the 4th house and it is through the 10th house polarity that we bring this honed and mature identity into form within society. Through integrating Capricornian traits, the soul will learn the process of creating stability within the self, through the cultivation of self-determination, radical responsibility, ambition, drive and personal authority the soul may actualise a place for itself in society, pour its excess emotions into its vocation and operate from a self sufficient placed where inner authority is restored.



The archetype of Leo and the 5th house is one of expansion through self actualising. If we consider the role of the Sun in our solar system it is the central beating heart of which all celestial bodies revolve. Through an evolutionary lens, the Yang energy of Leo is expanding back outwards to facilitate the generation of life itself. Within Cancer the egocentric structure and self image were beginning to develop, in Leo the creative actualisation of the ego begins to fully actualise.

The archetype of Leo shows how we are giving purpose to our life, how we are creatively actualising this purpose from within and then projecting it out upon the surrounding environment. To be able to show the self under this light one has to be comfortable in allowing the self to be truly seen and appreciated. This sentiment is reflected within the dynamics of Pluto in Leo or the 5th house. The soul comes into life incredibly fire oriented, there is a desire to allow the nature of the self to expand outwards, upon a stage whilst those around look up and admire. This pattern of behaviour is seeded within the individual, it is simply a winding road within their personal journey that they have agreed to explore. There is an inherent strength of will that drives the soul to bring the self out into the world, to express this creative purpose upon the environment and in turn, receive applause and recognition for their efforts. Souls who come into life with such tethers have been learning how to take control of their lives to enable their pursuit of this perceived special destiny. There is a strong focus on actualising their creative purpose and of doing things in the manner which aligns with them and for them.

Common characteristics of this placement include : strength of will, creative impulse, magnetic, dignified, hungry for attention, applause and acknowledgment, narcissistic.

The prior life echo of this placement is past lives in which they were recognised as unique, highly gifted, or special. This reverberates into the present day through a need to chase that feeling, in some cases there is a sense of entitlement that is difficult to satisfy. The need to shine and receive recognition serves as an unconscious emotional attachment that many with this placement may chase. Stored within the subconscious memory may be prior life events of  being treated with respect and veneration, leading the soul into harbouring unconscious expectations that the same admiration will be given in the present lifetime. Or that their wishes will always be catered for by those around them as they direct their play while others stand by at their beck and call. One of the ways in which the evolutionary lessons associated with this journey can take form in the present day is through wounding relating to the solar inner child. A classic example of how this wounding could emerge is through parental figures, guardians or contemporaries not responding to the child’s talents; that no matter how hard the soul drives itself toward recognition (to manifest its personal flair), these talents and creative genius and gift of expression go unnoticed by those you care to impress the most. The counter effect of such experiences may result in the soul placing their sense of creative power outside of the self; through placing this in the hands of others their joy is rooted externally instead of internally.

Through embracing the polarity sign and house (Aquarius / 11th house) the soul can begin to develop a more objective versus subjective viewpoint of their beingness. The vibrational nature of Aquarius is to bring like minds together to induce a beautiful sense of fellowship. Through integrating this teaching, the Pluto in Leo / 5th house soul will be inspired to link their special destiny and creative purpose to something that incorporates the awareness of the social whole. The soul can begin to recognise that their gifts (one’s that in fact stream from the creative vortex of the universe) can be used to benefit the good of the collective. That instead of satiating this inherent self focus and self-will, they may begin to include the perspective and needs of others within their creative journey and centralise their purpose onto something universally aligned. This experience begins to take the focus from ‘I’ and transfer it to ‘all of us’.



The archetype of Virgo is a transitional phase, it is where the energy retreats and contracts inward in a reaction to the exuberance of the sign that preceded it. Through the signs of Aries to Leo the process was one of subjectivity, this allowed the unfoldment of being-ness and the essential skills and experiences required to facilitate the instinctual body, its ability to survive, the learning of communication and mental functions, the ripening of the emotional body leading up to the creative actualisation of the self and the ego. In Virgo however, the pyramid becomes inverted, the soul is being asked to look inward so that it may re-evaluate and examine and perfect and purify itself by means of deconstruction.

The idea of ‘self seeking’ becomes deflated, Virgo pierces the ego so that it may begin to inspect and analyse its place within a societal framework. The purpose of this placement is to teach humility so that any notion of self importance or self inflation can be purged and purified and replaced with self awareness. It is within this journey that the soul is learning how to become practical and competent so that these gifts can filter through to something more conscientious and service oriented. The purpose of this experience is to teach the soul a crucial stage in its evolution, which is how can it be useful? How can it pour its purpose into society and contribute to the greater whole? It is within this archetype that we are taught to cultivate selflessness through our dedication to service.

Common characteristics of this placement include : An analytical mind, willing to assist others, self-consciousness, a tendency to always be busy, astute organisational skills.

Virgo energy can be incredibly critical, it turns the magnifying glass in on itself to allow for the removal of imperfections. In many cases the experience can evolve into compulsive behaviours in which much of the focus is placed upon correcting or atoning for this perceived sense of guilt and desire to constantly self-improve and perfect. This archetype is linked with feelings of lack; of not feeling enough, and so in order to fill that hole, a continuous pattern of behaviour may slowly evolve in which the soul develops an obsessive nature towards their daily doings and maintaining an untenable level of ‘busy’. This may filter into 6th house related subjects such as their health, food and eating patterns, cleanliness... This drive to mentally self-analyse can create recurrent patterns in which the soul may revert to negative thinking, leading to feelings of insecurity and loss of perspective. Many souls who bear this placement can come into this lifetime with an inherent need to atone, there is a pervading and often unconscious stream of internal guilt, with many holding on to subtle memories of prior lifetimes of a strong religious nature; the Virgo / Pisces axis linking with Christianity and the patriarchal themes involved therein.

Through embracing and integrating the polarity which is Pisces or the 12th house, the soul can begin to dissolve and simplify the rigidity of its experience and give it up to God. Pisces as an archetype symbolises the eternal ocean, a swirling pool of consciousness in which the nature is to f l o w. It is a spiritualisation of the mundane. It is within Pisces that we connect to source, when we connect to source we cultivate self forgiveness, self-love and self- acceptance. To enter into this polarity is to swim in waters of surrender, to allow the difficulties to be washed away. The overriding feelings of guilt will be replaced with peace. The self critical thoughts will be replaced with self compassion. The need to stay busy will be replaced with the beauty of existence.



The cardinality of this placement symbolises that a new evolutionary cycle is in motion, the energy is airy and yang, it is expanding itself outwards to allow the evolutionary process of Libra / the 7th house to unfold. With the process of purification firmly manifested within the preceding archetype of Virgo, the reaction to this energy is to reconnect with the outside world.

It is within this archetype that the soul has been beginning to develop an objective awareness of the self through the mirror of the other. Seeded within this energy is the impulse to connect with that which lies outside itself, this is achieved through initiating a diversity of relationships which allow them to reflect upon the self in a social context. As the soul forms these connections and relationships they build upon their personal awareness of varying value systems, beliefs and viewpoints. Through such involvements the soul can begin to absorb lessons surrounding listening, relativity, equality and balance. Libra lies in opposition to the 1st house and Aries, “I” becomes “we” and “I am” transitions into “I relate”. The journey for this placement is centred around how to participate within relationships, how to embody the symbol of the scales and relate with others on an equal basis. Due to this new cycle still being underway, the concept of balance may still be out of grasp. The unconscious emotional security patterns that present themselves within this specific placement find their roots within the myriad of relationships. The connections that the soul makes whether in the karmic past or the current lifetime will serve as a pillar of focus for those with the signature. A manifestation of this cycle is the need to be in a relationship in order to feel complete. This often stems from the way in which this archetype naturally functions, which is to learn through the other; to measure and compare the self in relation to someone else. This may spiral into the soul compulsively seeking out relationships of all kinds, in which they become so involved with their connections that they lose sight of their own individuality amongst a sea of voices and opinions. 

Common characteristics of this placement include : The need to be needed by others, the need to be in a relationship to feel fully complete, have a hypnotic effect on others, the need to dominate or be dominated.

Those working through this process may become overly co-dependent, placing all they have on their relationships, thus creating a feeling of discomfort when alone resulting in the soul actively seeking new relationships out of fear of isolation. There may also be a tendency towards codependency, to place all of their weight on their partner allowing their other half to to take the lead and act on their behalf. To assist the soul in its journey, many karmic relationships will unveil themselves at varying points through their life to reset the balance - It is through the mirror of our relationships that we see who we truly are.

To balance the scales within this journey the soul can look to activate the 1st house or the Aries vibration. In doing so they can reclaim their personal power through embracing self assertion as opposed to being swept up in the direction that another may take them. The balancing point is not about being led, but leading the way forward independently. This evolutionary cycle is about pioneering their own path forward, taking charge of their destiny and recognising that they hold the reins to this one beautiful life, nobody else. Through accessing the polarity point, the soul will instil a sense of balance and begin to cultivate a sense of completeness that exists outside of others. The purpose is to be empowered through their partnerships instead of being overpowered. As the soul begins to act from this place of autonomy, they can extend give to others without giving too much of themself.



Scorpio is a fixed water sign, the energy is yin and seeks to draw itself back into the centre. As a sign and placement, the vibration is intense, a flaming sword dropping into the depths of the oceans. This vortex is exacting. It is a confrontation of what we are and what we are not; it is a stripping away of the layers to penetrate the depths of the soul. Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, together they create a confrontation of personal will and the force of evolution. It is within this phase that the soul focuses itself deep within, penetrating the very depths of the psyche, piercing its personal places of darkness so that it can recognise the limitations of its past wounds. Those with

Pluto in the 8th house or Scorpio have been on an intense journey of personal empowerment versus disempowerment. Where am I powerful and where am I powerless? This karmic experience centres around one’s own personal limitations to allow those limitations to be transformed and anchored, in doing so, the soul achieves higher levels of growth and evolution. It is within this archetype that the soul seeks to free itself so that it can begin its upwards ascent to reunite with source. The keywords connected to this experience include transformation, transmutation, death and rebirth. Those themes feature heavily within this soul experience, the lessons involved generate many little ego deaths so that Pluto can penetrate through the depths and reach the soul. “To find the gold mine, one has to descend into the underworld.

The evolutionary impulse is to open the soul up to forces that exist outside of itself. Through becoming aware of what you are not, you are faced with your personal limitations, it is through this awareness of disempowerment that a confrontation takes place. The soul is then compelled to move beyond and transmute this felt sense of limitation through attaching itself to someone or something that they view holds symbolic power. As an example, why do people take up the study of astrology or yoga or energy healing? To transform the “Who am I?” through cosmic knowledge. To transcend the body through ritualistic movement. To heal the energy body through tapping into higher fields. It is merging the self with someone outside of itself allowing the perceived power to be absorbed back into the self. It is this osmosis of power that creates self-empowerment. Karmically, Scorpio placements relate to all matters of ‘taboo’ subjects, it can symbolise a prior life experience in which the soul dabbled in practises that were below surface level, such as magic, rituals, the occult. To translate this energy to practices that exist above surface level such things include being drawn to powerful people, an attraction to money and status, absorbing power through sex and relationships.

Within this specific journey the soul will undergo a variety of confrontations with who they are in order to further their personal evolution. A way in which this may unfold is through the very heavy experiences relating to trust. Many karmic imprints of this soul signature relates to loss, betrayal, manipulation and abandonment - whether you were the perpetrator or victim can only be felt by the individual. These tethers can find themselves reactivated in the present, creating intense pulls towards those who cross your path. The fixed nature of Scorpio may at times create a compulsion to hold on to what creates such feelings of security, regardless of how uncomfortable the situation can feel.

Common characteristics of those who bear this signature include : A deep, radiating and magnetic power, intensity, secretive, transforming (whether positive or negative) to those in around them, cycles of emotional withdrawal, secretive, stubborn and fixed, vindictive.

The nature of Pluto is to deliver an evolutionary shock so that those with this placement can recognise where they have been placing their power and that the power that they seek in fact lives inside of them. Through the polarity house and sign of the 2nd house or Taurus the soul is opening itself up to the notion of inner peace cultivated from self-reliance. It is within Taurus that we discover our personal values through looking within the portal of our own existence. Taurus teaches the notion of simplicity, it holds the opposite codes to Scorpio in that it takes you out of your psychology and into the constancy and unwavering support of the body. It asks you to feel on a somatic level, to slow down and enjoy the view, all the while looking within using themselves as a symbol of their personal transformation. Through identifying their own personal resources, they can discover the core of themself, which sustains them. They recall their personal power and place it back into their own hands. The tempo slows down, the essence of self is revived.



Sagittarius as an archetype corresponds to the sense of being connected to something larger in a cosmological, metaphysical, philosophical or religious context. The vibration is mutable yang energy, it seeks to expand itself outwards, to bridge itself with what lies beyond the horizon. Each sign is a reaction to what came before it, in the 8th house or Scorpio the soul sensed the connection to something greater, in the 9th house or Sagittarius it is known within the soul.

It is within this archetype that we relate to the nature of personal truth, those who carry this placement have gathered experiences that lend themselves to the distant potential of what the future holds. The search for meaning is this archetypes quest. If we consider the symbology of the centaur, he shoots his arrow far into the sky, the destination in which it lands is not the purpose of this exercise, it is the journey he makes to retrieve it. This placement in the chart speaks to experiences in which many journeys (both literal and mental) have unwound themselves, each to uncover the knowledge that they seek. Due to this sign and house being of the element of fire, those with this signature require an expanse of personal freedom to allow this search for the truth to unwind itself. The soul desires freedom so that it may generate whatever experiences are necessary to discover the truth of its existence.

Common characteristics of those who bear this signature include : natural loners, a deep feeling of alienation, philosophical, storytellers, conceptual thinkers, highly intuitive, the need to convert others to their way of thinking.

A karmic signature of this placement is having travelled across the vast landscapes of the earth, across a variety of lifetimes, to satiate this pursuit of knowledge. Through this extensive prior life passage - driven by the desire to seek the philosophy that they align with, they bring with them varied experiences and imprints of foreign lands and cultures through a variety of cultural, philosophical and religious frameworks. The way in which this may translate in the present timeline is of feeling somewhat alienated within the current culture of birth. The pervading feeling is of being rootless and restless, and offers insight into how Pluto works on an evolutionary basis. The desire is still ignited and so this search for truth continues. Sagittarius relates to our right brain function; non-linear and abstract mind, the area of the brain that processes our intuition and how we attach ourselves to our personal beliefs. Souls born under this placement have highly developed intuition, it is this inner knowing that opens their ability to think differently from the rule book that they are given as a child. When one operates from this intuitive function it can also suggest that the soul has spent lifetimes living within cultures or tribes which were oriented more towards this way of thinking. A way in which this placement may unfurl itself is through the soul becoming fanatical about their personal truth, creating a somewhat dogmatic belief system, one that they try to enforce upon others. This karmic imprint can contain the vibration of fanaticism and persecution in equal measure.

Through embracing the polarity house and sign - Gemini & the 3rd house, the soul is able to integrate the linear mind and form such philosophies and belief systems in a more concrete and earthly manner. It is within Gemini that the soul can begin to unite the understanding that all views are relative and in the sharing of varying perspectives, more beauty, more understanding and more appreciation can be attained. As the soul begins to open itself to how others see the world, their eyes will be further opened. Gemini seeks to create diverse connections and when this vibration is integrated, the soul can begin to expand and further educate itself through the minds of others. Through connection we not only learn more, but more of who we are. This process will open them up to new truths, new streams of awareness and importantly, new people.



An evolutionary chapter has just come to a close and a new cycle has begun in the recent past, as outlined when Pluto is placed within a cardinal sign or house. For those with Pluto in the 10th house or Capricorn, the soul has been learning evolutionary lessons relating to Saturn. A core lesson of this soul signature is self-determination and self-discipline, the need to identify with the standards of society.

With this placement the soul is coming into life with a pre-existing pattern of recognition, many have occupied positions of power in past incarnations, creating an emotional attachment to what it feels to be recognised, what it feels to be respected and known for your efforts. To climb that mountain, one must be prepared to master the self through controlled perseverance, endurance and resolve. A common feature of this placement is this desire to achieve, to stand head and shoulders above the rest and to be willing to sacrifice their emotional reality for this revered place in society. A classic Capricorn signature is the notion of time and space and where the soul fits within this timeframe. During this process the soul comes to recognise the finite nature of this one lifetime, that there may not be enough time left to achieve all that it has set out to do further enhancing an awareness of burden, guilt and need to bend the knee to duty. The pattern that this creates is to over-identify the self with the position they hold within society. Identity is attached to their career, their work, what they are, as opposed to who they are. The reverberations of a Saturn influenced soul is the suppression of emotions, preferring instead to conform to the rigidity of societal expectations. As mentioned earlier, society has been held within the grips of the patriarchy, a cycle of repression and suppression. Those who bear this soul mark have curated a lived experience within such boundaries and limitations. 

Within this soul signature lies distant memories of feeling defeated by the system which may energetically imprint childhood experiences in the present life. From an evolutionary perspective, this placement can induce a karmic imbalance with certain authority figures, particularly a parent who may impose a high degree of expectation and an unreachable set of standards upon the soul during their childhood. This evolutionary lesson is to open space for the soul to reflect upon the nature of cause and effect, so that through the actions of others, they can begin to measure themselves relative to their own conduct and integrity.

Common characteristics of Pluto in the 10th house or Capricorn include : Ambitious, serious, natural leaders,a deep understanding of how “systems” work, a need for social recognition and power, anxiety and depression prone, emotionally withdrawn, autocratic.

The karmic implication of this placement can create events or experiences where the soul undergoes a series of emotional shocks, turning the energy inward, often this takes the form of feeling karmically blocked from creating the level of success that the soul unconsciously craves and desires. Through such experiences the soul is then led to connect with who they truly are. We are not the success stories, we are more than that. It is through accessing the very root of the self that we can begin to truly sink into the depths of being-ness. Through such experiences the soul is able to cultivate an awareness of their deep emotional nature. 

To integrate the teachings of the house and sign in polarity is to bring deep inner healing to the soul. This present lifetime is very much about coming home to the self. When we cultivate internal security we are cushioned with a true sense of personal fulfilment. It is within the archetype of Cancer / the 4th house that we learn to come home to ourselves, to nourish ourselves from the root, to withdraw into our own personal sanctuary, surrounded by family. In doing so, the soul may begin to examine the self in deep and essential ways. Through embracing the archetype of Cancer, these souls are now able to reflect upon their inner dynamics away from their place in society. This lifetime is very much about recognising and growing to love who you are without the embellishments. To allow the natural tides of the emotional world to flow. To find peace in your home, to leave your ambition at the doorstep. To love and enjoy the connection of the inner identity.



It is within this archetype that we enter the 11th phase of spirit, an act of association with the other - One of knowing, understanding, comprehending. The energy is yang and as a reaction to the sign that preceded it, it is once more re-expanding outwards. This archetype is seeded to break free; to shed externally imposed constructs (whether prescribed through family, schooling or society) collated over lifetimes so that it may liberate itself from all outdated and crystallised forms of conditioning. 

The evolutionary intent for this placement is centred within unconscious attachments to identity. How much of one’s image is actually unique? Is it simply an amalgamation of outside influence? Through this placement the soul seeks to liberate itself from what has come to define them, to rebel against external agents, to free itself from societal expectations. Within this archetype there is a distinct avoidance of conformity, Aquarius and the 11th house is the antithesis of herd mentality and so those with this soul signature have been learning how to remove themselves and pull away from mainstream society in a bid to emancipate the self from what is customary. Aquarius holds an incredibly detached and objective stance to reality, one that pulls them to standing on the sidelines, watching, observing. It is a process of disentangling the self from whatever conditioning they believe has held any influence with regard to shaping who they are in the present. It is a radical act of separation leading to individuation. Those with this placement have carried the desire to detach from the external environment, often creating lifestyles, viewpoints, beliefs and customs that are far beyond their time.

This archetype is guided by Uranus, that great electric maelstrom whose presence asks you to view the world from the edges, looking in as opposed to being in the thick of it, to consider something bigger and more progressive. The Uranian archetype is one of innovation and experimentation, it inspires you to think independently, outside of the self, in alignment with the good of all. Under his influence we begin to question society, to think independently and progressively, to rebel against the consensus. It is a highly revolutionary and reforming vibration not only seeded within this particular Pluto placement but in all of us. Wherever Aquarius, Uranus and the 11th house is placed in your chart is where you are liberating yourself from tethers of the past. You are unchaining yourself from existing conditions through fracturing yourself so that you can rebuild yourself. For those who have this placement there is a desire to align the self with like minded souls which is why this archetype is so regularly connected to the concept of brotherhood. Those who share similar beliefs or similar stories offer the soul a place of support and comfort, a home where their uniqueness is celebrated.

Common characteristics of this pavement include : an intrinsic feeling of being different, unique, innovative, cycles of detachment, cycles of intense focus, aloof, detached, erratic.

Karmic imprints of this signature may involve separation from the mass of society so that their vision may be shared with similar progressive souls. Many past life experiences of Pluto in Aquarius/11th house involve those who were social reformers, revolutionaries, suffragettes. Their fight for the good of humanity was united with those who shared their views. In other examples, this placement can bear the marks of past life alienation or being ostracised and cast out from mainstream society. There may be subtle memories stored in the subconscious in which the soul experienced prolonged periods of time in isolation, in some cases this was their choice and in some cases they were simply cast out. To consider the concept of ‘the masses’ and your place inside or outside of it; deaths that occur in mass numbers also fall under this archetype; this may entail natural disasters (Uranus), genocide, large scale war.

The polarity point is Leo and the 5th house, this archetype holds the opposite resonance to what the soul is accustomed to. In Leo we’re reminded that life is to be enjoyed and that the self can be used as a carriage for creative projection and actualisation. Within this polarity the soul can begin to take charge of its own destiny and engineer the outcome of their progressive innovations. To hold on to and leave such revolutionary ideas unacted upon doesn’t fulfil its purpose nor help shift humanity further forward, the polarity is teaching the soul to minimise their security needs and patterns of depending on ‘the group’ so that their creative pursuits can be made manifest by them alone. This polarity is teaching that their uniqueness is to be celebrated and can in fact be used to great effect. These lifetimes spent observing have built up a beautiful body of knowledge that should see the light of day, share these gifts with the world and allow them (and the self) to take centre stage.



The 12th house and Pisces is the totality of life, it is composite of all other houses, a culmination of all that came before, it is the phenomenon of consciousness itself. It is within this archetype that we dissolve and spiritualise, it is the closing act of that which began in the 6th house and it is through the 12th that we are absorbed back to source. Those who have this placement have been led by the desire to dissolve all barriers and boundaries that separated them from merging with source. 

The soul has been discovering that they are connected to a much larger whole; an individualised wave upon the ocean and through shifting the centre of their consciousness their singular identity can transcend into the unity of creation. It is within this totality of consciousness that all things emerge and all things return, this cosmic ocean is the source of all there is. To merge within this infinite pool, one must transcend beyond their ego identity, surrender the parts of the self that separate the soul from god. It is being led to step beyond the personal self and ego-identity and take a leap into an unknown world. This potential elimination and surrender of self can create a pull back, a resistance to the evolutionary pull out of fear of losing control of what and who they are. The cycle for Pluto in the 12th house is to teach the soul how to let go of everything that pertains to the past in order to prepare for a new evolutionary cycle.

Common characteristics of this placement include : a deeply sensitive nature, private, natural psychic, incredibly emotional of which they conceal, unresolved fears

The experience of Pluto in the 12th is likened to standing atop a mountain. The earth beneath their feet is the past, lives they have built, the memories they have formed, the beautiful experiences they have curated. Upon this solid earth lies their identity. Over the mountain edge lies the vastness of the ocean, the universal, transcendent rivers that signify the ending process of the cycle. The soul is invited to jump, to drop into what is boundless, infinite and eternal but in dropping into this ocean of timelessness, the soul must relinquish all that has come before it. For some there is a resistance to this evolutionary impulse, and instead of allowing the identity to dissolve and surrender itself to higher forces, they cling to one or more aspects of what it is to exist within this 3 dimensional realm as an avoidance strategy - Through latching on to the subconscious threads of what they believe individualises them, they stall this process of surrender. Karmic imprints of those who share this placement can include prior life experiences of mysticism, psychism and expanded states of consciousness, heavy religious conditioning within convents or monasteries and experiences of loss, confusion and disillusion. Many come into this life not being able to fully relate to the concept of Earth, due in part to distant memories holding experiences of isolation having spent lifetimes in periods of extended withdrawal. 

When the soul embraces the polarity through the energy of Virgo or the 6th house, these natural meditational states can be pulled down to the earth plane and grounded and honed and put into practice in a way that not only serves the soul but also humanity. When we create beautiful daily rituals we are able to use our transcendental connection as a practice, and so build upon the connection. The energy of Virgo is incredibly anchoring, its requests that we look inside; analyse, perfect and purify our existence. The polarity demands that the soul commits itself to service, to funnel their transcendent nature to Earth so that others may bathe in this light. The 6th house is incredibly service oriented, it is a place of selflessness which holds the codes to not only heal the self but also the other. This balancing point allows the soul to reintegrate into grounded wholeness and channel their divine inspiration into something that is practical, a harmonic marriage between what they tap into and how they act upon it. These gifts are to be shared and used to assist others within their personal journey.